Monday, June 20, 2011


WOW, how bored can it get. nothing to do but keep looking at my phone if someone text me or checking my facebook every 5min. thats how BOrIng my life is. I wish i could hang with someone. All iv done today was wake up, mow the lawn and clean the entire house. I really just want school to start already so i can see my friends and get on with life. well i hope things will get better as it goes on. :(

Sunday, June 19, 2011

        It's been a long week and it ends with a fun night. had so much up and downs over the week and hope it will get better. yesterday i got to spend time with my Trek family, we ate BBQ and talked. I hope i get to see them more often, there a bunch of wonderful people that i love so dearly and i would miss them if i went somewhere far. Starting a new week meaning. Got get some stuff planned out and see who to hang with. =D <3


Hi, My name is jeff. I'm pretty new at Blogging so if it looks ugly I'm sorry. I am from American Samoa, I moved to America when i was young. attended school and did sports here. I live in St. George UT. I love My family and my Friends. <3